The energy network that was born in the ISILTP school in VERRES this year is enrolled in the national e-Mobility network.

Over the years, students have developed electric mobility projects such as go-karts, segways and minimotos. For example, the electric minimoto was made by students by transforming a minimoto with an internal combustion engine.

The Verres school then started a network of schools to develop STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines, to contrast thegender gap and experiment in classrooms with laboratory activities related to Energy and Sustainability.

Anno scolastico 2022-2023 

  • un alunno della classe 4 Elettronica per il mese di febbraio

  • due insegnanti dell'indirizzo Elettronico per 1 settimana a febbraio

Scuola  ospitante: 

Agrupamento de escolas a Barquinha Portogallo


Pubblicato da MARCO DAGUIN